Alternative working arrangements have different characteristics than flexible working hours. This flexible working time agreement is defined between [company name] and [employee name]. If a holiday falls on a day on which the employee is expected to work more hours than the value of the vacation, the employee « owes » to the university the time difference between the hourly value of the vacation and the hours the employee should work. The following table provides examples of these vacation considerations. Another work arrangement is defined as a regular, recurring work schedule that falls under the standard work week and is anything but five consecutive eight-hour work days – for example, four consecutive ten-hour work days during the week. Regulators must carefully assess the feasibility of a proposed flexible work arrangement before approving it. The regulation is intended to benefit the employee without imposing an excessive burden on the operation of the units. If you are not sure whether the proposed flexible work arrangement can be successful, you should allow the employee to work in flexwork on a pilot basis. Set an initial review period after which you make a final decision on the agreement. It describes the terms of a remote or hybrid remote work arrangement and is signed electronically by the employee. Supervisors make the final decision on an employee`s flexible work request after assessing feasibility and should work with the employee to evaluate the proposal. Also evaluate how the flexible work arrangement affects your supervisor role and the rest of your unit.
Identify potential problems and ways to solve them. Agreed flexible work arrangements are described as follows: __ To ensure that the employee continues to work effectively under a flexible work arrangement, supervisors should develop a telework plan. With a good plan, flexible working can benefit the employee, the team, and the university in general. Flexible working often improves job satisfaction by increasing work flexibility. It also helps to recruit and retain employees. The following examples illustrate possible flexible work regulations for contract and specialized employees. The details of each example differ depending on whether the employee is entitled to overtime or overtime exemption. If a statutory holiday falls on a day when the employee is expected to work fewer hours than the value of the vacation, the employee will receive a vacation credit for the difference. This results in vacation credit hours, which the employee can release at a later date. When assessing the application, the supervisor must determine that the employee can effectively perform the work items of the position during flexible work.
The supervisor must also determine that the flexible work regulation complies with applicable regulations, guidelines and collective agreements. All obligations and responsibilities of the Employee, as well as the Company`s Terms of Employment, remain unchanged, except as expressly modified by this Agreement. Any failure by the Employee to comply with this Agreement may result in a change or termination of the flexible work arrangement set forth in this Agreement. If you are unable to approve the flexible work request, explain your decision based on the impact of the proposal on departmental operations and, if applicable, the employee`s work record in your department. For example, an employee who works eight hours a day (plus a lunch break) is still at work during base hours from 9 a..m. to 4 p..m. However, the employee`s start and end times vary from day to day. On Mondays, the employee can work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.m.m.
while on Tuesdays, the employee works from 9 a..m m. to 6 p.m.m. There are two general types of flexible work agreements: This agreement requires the employee to meet the following conditions on a permanent basis: Consider whether a flexible work arrangement will have an effect: If you accept the flexible work application, your next step is to document the flexible employment contract. Requests for flexible work as accommodation for persons with disabilities are processed through a separate process. I have read and understood this Agreement and all its terms. By signing below, I agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. A flexible work arrangement is a different work schedule than the standard work week. A standard work week consists of five consecutive eight-hour workdays and consistent start and end times for each working day. The agreement should specify that the agreement may be revised based on the work requirements of the departments.
It should also be noted that maintaining the flexible work arrangement depends on its effectiveness for both the employee and the department. After approving a flexible work request, document the flexible work agreement. The objective of the Flexible Work Agreement is to ensure that the supervisor and employee have a clear and common understanding of the flexible work arrangement. At a minimum, the Agreement should set forth as follows: This Agreement shall enter into force on [Date] and shall remain in force indefinitely, unless modified or terminated by [Company Name] or the Employee. In the event that the Company or the Employee intends to terminate this Agreement, a notice period of at least four weeks will be notified in writing. In the event of an emergency in the workplace, this agreement may be suspended immediately and indefinitely. This Agreement may be revised at any time at the request of either party. In a flexible work arrangement, the employee works a constant number of hours per day. However, the employee`s start and end time varies within a certain range around a fixed set of base hours. After determining that an employee is likely to succeed in a flexible work arrangement, assess the extent to which the rest of the department or unit will behave when an employee starts the flexible work arrangement, including: Typically, an employee will apply for a flexible work arrangement, although this can sometimes be a condition of employment.
Ultimately, you need to determine the work configuration that best suits your team. Every team is different. Some teams succeed with frequent bending among team members. Other teams need to limit the amount of flexible work. If you`re not sure what works best, start with limited flexible work options for a team and make changes after gaining experience. While there may be combinations of flexible and alternative work arrangements, particularly complex or unusual schedules can present challenges that the supervisor should consider before approving the agreement, especially for employees who are entitled to overtime. Timing and time tracking can be more complex, as can organizing coverage during absences. Employees` work styles and tasks vary. Some employees or positions may be better suited to flexible working regulations than others.
When evaluating a flexible work application, supervisors should consider the extent to which the employee has demonstrated the skills and work habits that lead to a successful flexible work arrangement, including that of the employee: University policy allows employees to enter into a flexible work arrangement if the employee`s supervisor (or other designated official) assesses and approves the request for flexible work. . . .